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Browser-based API

Description of the browser-based integration.

API flow examples

Retrieving a users privacy status

The following sequence illustrates the API calls initiated by a netID Partners CMP to establish a privacy status for an already authenticated user.

Browser based API

Read APIs


In case the Sync-ID should be included in the API responses (if preconditions are met), the APIs must be called with the respective accept header.

Without Sync-ID: application/vnd.netid.permission-center.netid-user-status-v1+json
With Sync-ID: application/vnd.netid.permission-center.netid-user-status-audit-v1+json

Read privacy status

Request (incl. Sync-ID)

Accept: application/vnd.netid.permission-center.netid-user-status-audit-v1+json
Cookie: tpid_sec=<JWT_TOKEN>
Origin: <ORIGIN>

Response (incl. Sync-ID)

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.netid.permission-center.netid-user-status-audit-v1+json
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: <ORIGIN>
Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true

  "status_code": "PERMISSIONS_FOUND",
  "subject_identifiers": {
    "tpid": "<TPID>"|null,
    "sync_id": "<SYNC_ID>"
  "netid_privacy_settings": [
      "type": "IDCONSENT",
      "status": "VALID"|"INVALID",
      "changed_at": "<TIMESTAMP>"
      "type": "DATASHARE",
      "status": "VALID"|"INVALID",
      "changed_at": "<TIMESTAMP>" 
      "type": "IAB_TC_STRING",
      "value": "<TCSTRING>",
      "changed_at": "<TIMESTAMP>"

Response Properties

item description
tpid Users netID identifier (tpid). Only returned if consent "idconsent" is VALID, the tpid is known (i.e. user is already authenticated on the device) and status "PERMISSIONS_FOUND". Otherwise null.
sync_id Partner specific Sync-ID of the netID user. Only returned if any "netid_privacy_settings" are present in the permission center at the time of the API call
IDCONSENT If consent "IDCONSENT" is given, value is 'VALID' and users netID identifier (tpid) is returned. If consent "IDCONSENT" is revoked, value is 'INVALID'. Otherwise null.
IAB_TC_STRING TC string stored for this tpid for this respective netID Partner (TAPP).

Response behavior

HTTP status_code status_code meaning
200 OK PERMISSIONS_FOUND Call successful. Permissions found and returned.
200 OK PERMISSIONS_NOT_FOUND Call successful. netID user is authenticated. No permission (privacy status) found for the given tapp_id. No subject_identifiers returned.
400 BAD REQUEST NO_TPID No tpid_sec cookie in request available. No authenticated netID user.
400 BAD REQUEST TOKEN_ERROR Token in cookie is expired or invalid.
403 FORBIDDEN TAPP_NOT_ALLOWED TAPP tapp_id is not allowed, e.g. origin not eligible.
410 GONE TPID_EXISTENCE_ERROR Account does not exist anymore.

Write API


In case the Synch-ID should be included in the API responses (if preconditions are met), the APIs must be called with the respective accept header.

Without Synch-ID: application/vnd.netid.permission-center.netid-subject-status-v1+json
With Synch-ID: application/vnd.netid.permission-center.netid-subject-status-audit-v1+json

Write privacy status

Request (incl. Sync-ID)

Content-Type: application/vnd.netid.permission-center.netid-permissions-v2+json
Accept: application/vnd.netid.permission-center.netid-subject-status-audit-v1+json
Cookie: tpid_sec=<JWT_TOKEN>
Origin: <ORIGIN>

  "idconsent": "VALID"|"INVALID",
  "iab_tc_string": "<TCSTRING>"

Response (incl. Sync-ID)

HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: <ORIGIN>
Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true

  "subject_identifiers": {
     "tpid": "<TPID>"|null,
     "sync_id": "<SYNC_ID>"

Request properties

item description
IDCONSENT Is indicating the status of the consent "IDCONSENT". VALID = Consent is given. INVALID = Consent is revoked
IAB_TC_STRING TC String which should be stored/updated for this netID user for this respective netID partner (TAPP)

Response properties

item description
tpid Users netID identifier (tpid). Only returned if consent "idconsent" is VALID, the tpid is known (i.e. user is already authenticated on the device) and status "PERMISSIONS_FOUND". Otherwise null.
sync_id Partner specific sync-id of the netID user.

Response behavior

HTTP status code status_code meaning
201 CREATED Call successful
400 BAD REQUEST NO_TPID No tpid_sec cookie in request available.
400 BAD REQUEST TOKEN_ERROR Token in cookie is expired or invalid.
400 BAD REQUEST NO_PERMISSIONS Parameters are missing. At least one permission must be set.
400 BAD REQUEST JSON_PARSE_ERROR Invalid JSON body, parse error.
400 BAD REQUEST NO_REQUEST_BODY Required request body is missing.
400 BAD REQUEST PERMISSION_PARAMETERS_ERROR Syntactic or semantic error in a permission (e.g. invalid TC String)
403 FORBIDDEN TAPP_NOT_ALLOWED Missing parameters in request/Requesting TAPP isn't active/Origin not eligible
410 GONE TPID_EXISTENCE_ERROR Account does not exist anymore.